How to Remove Urine Smell From Mattress – Flo Mattress
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Easy Tips To Remove Urine Smell And Stains From Mattress

If you have young children, older people, or even pets in your house, you would have faced the slightly annoying but unavoidable situation where your mattress is spoilt. The smell of urine coming from your bed or the fear of the stain not going makes it more challenging, but there are easy ways and tricks to remove urine smell and stains from the mattress. You do not need any fancy cleaning equipment or detergents; regular cleaning supplies from your house will be enough to get rid of the urine stench and stain and save your beloved mattress. With these helpful tips, you will sleep on your comfortable mattress and dream happy dreams in no time.

How to Remove Urine From Mattress

It is best to clean the mattress as soon as possible after an incident. These are the steps to remove fresh urine from a mattress. The process is slightly different for old stains, which we cover in the next section.

Step 1: Remove all The Bedding and Wash Immediately: The first thing to do is to immediately remove all the sheets, covers, and blankets and load them in the washer.

Step 2: Blot (Don’t Scrub!) the Area: Put on a pair of rubber gloves and grab a dry towel to blot or dab the soiled area and soak up as much liquid as possible. Do not scrub the affected area, as doing so will spread the urine further and make it difficult to absorb fully.

Step 3: Cleaning Options: There are a few options for cleaning the mattress. You can use the one that best suits you or the one with all the materials readily available.

  • Vinegar Solution on the Stain: In a spray bottle, mix one part vinegar and two parts cold water, adding a little laundry detergent. Shake the mixture and spray it liberally on the stain.
  • Use a Baking Soda Paste: Cover the soiled area with baking soda paste and let it sit for around 8 to 10 hours.
  • Use Hydrogen Peroxide: Put some hydrogen peroxide (a mild disinfectant and bleach) in a spray bottle and generously spray it on the stained area.
  • Use Borax Paste: Borax is an alkaline mineral salt easily available in any supermarket. It helps neutralise acid stains, such as urine stains. Mix borax with water to form a thin paste and spread it on the stain.

Do keep in mind, that wetting a mattress is not advisable as it can lead to odour or damage if it isn’t thoroughly dried in the right time, so for all of the options above, work accordinly.

Step 4: Steam the Mattress: After cleaning the mattress, a slight smell might linger. To get rid of the smell, completely steam clean the mattress.

How to Get Rid of Urine Stains From the Mattress:

If you missed cleaning the stain immediately, do not worry. These steps will help you remove the urine stains from your mattress using everyday household items:

Step 1: Use Vinegar Solution to Soak Stain Completely: Make the vinegar solution mentioned above (Vinegar:Water in a 1:2 ratio with a little laundry detergent). Use it to cover the stain entirely.

Step 2: Cover Area in Plastic Wrap: Cover the area in plastic wrap without trying to blot or scrub it. Let it sit for a day or two so the plastic wrap allows the vinegar solution to work without evaporating.

Step 3: Allow Mattress to Air Dry: Once you remove the plastic wrap, let the mattress dry for at least one night.

Step 4: Repeat the Process if You Still See Stains: If the stain is deep or old, it might take a few attempts before it is completely removed. Do not worry; repeat the process again.

Step 5: Spot Clean with Water: If there are any vinegar solution spots, you can spot clean them with water and then blot them with dry towels. Do this once you are sure your mattress is cleaned.

How to Get Urine Smell Out of a Mattress

Removing urine stains from a mattress is relatively easy, but the smell lingers for a while. You will have to neutralise the urine smell to remove the odour from your mattress and bedroom. These steps will help you to remove the urine smell from your mattress:

Step 1: Apply Baking Soda: The best way to remove the unpleasant odour of urine is to apply a layer of baking soda on your mattress, especially on the stained area.

Step 2: Let the Baking Soda Sit for a While: Baking soda takes some time to absorb the odour, so it is best to leave it overnight.

Step 3: Use a Vacuum to Remove Baking Soda: The vacuum will not remove the urine stains but will remove the baking soda. After vacuuming, check for odour and, if necessary, repeat the process until all the odour is gone.

How to Avoid Such Situations?

No one likes a soiled and dirty mattress, and it is not hygienic to have urine stains and smells coming from the mattress. While accidents occur and cleaning up is not a big task, it is always better to be prepared and avoid such situations. Mattress protectors are a great way to protect your mattress, not only from urine smell and stains but also from dust, hair, oil, etc. The Flo mattress protector is a great product that forms a protective layer above your mattress. It is waterproof, so it is best for spillages or urine stains. It is machine-washable, and the surface is made from cotton, which makes it more breathable.

A mattress protector not only protects the mattress, but it also protects your peace of mind and health by ensuring it is not soiled or spoilt and keeps it fresh always.

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